Scroll: "See, O Word of God, what those who rebuke aboninations suffer. For Behold, O Saviour, Herod hath cut off my head."
Scroll: "See, O Word of God, what those who rebuke aboninations suffer. For Behold, O Saviour, Herod hath cut off my head."
Uncut Mountain Supply has provided nothing but high quality printed and mounted icons, and this one was no different. High quality wood backing free from defects and a smooth glossy finish on the front. I promise you, if you are experiencing significant wait times, your patience will be rewarded!
St John, please intercede for us!
Very colorful and very busy. If you line this up with several other icons, your eyes will be drawn to this one.
This icon is particularly nice, the gold color and copy are very vivid with wonderful colors.
Great detail and bright, bold colors. I like that in the text of the scroll, John the Baptist uses the theology -- Word of God -- of another, later John, the Theologian, to refer to the Lord.
A nice, detailed, and well crafted icon on a nice mount.