The Appearance of the Holy Spirit to Saint Seraphim of Sarov and N.A. Motovilov
The Appearance of the Holy Spirit to Saint Seraphim of Sarov and N.A. Motovilov
As a devotee of St. Seraphim of Sarov, and a bearer of his name as my heavenly patron, this moment in the chronicle of his life stands out as extraordinary. One snowy day Nicholas Motovilov comes and asks the Saint about the purpose of the Christian life and an incredible conversation ensues, culminating with the revelation and overshadowing appearance of the Holy Spirit, God Himself. St. Seraphim is described as shining with light "brighter than the sun," and Nicholas too is bathed in the uncreated light of God. This spiritual encounter is made present in this icon which is rarely depicted, and should be treasured not just by those who love St. Seraphim, but by those who desire to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in power and humility. Simply beautiful!